Theory of Subjectivity and education: interview with Fernando González Rey Interview

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Fernando Luis González Rey
Daniel Magalhães Goulart


This interview addresses the topic of education, having as a guiding line the professional and the intellectual trajectory of the author of the Theory of Subjectivity from a cultural-historical approach, Fernando González Rey. More than a conventional interview, it was a dialogue, which emphasizes the richness and density of the author's living thought. Through his perspective of subjectivity, education is permanently linked to the generation of social relations and spaces geared towards subjective development. Individuals, social groups and institutions are articulated in the organization of educational processes, which are, on the one hand, never detached from history and culture and, on the other hand, aimed at building the future


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González Rey, F. L. ., & Goulart, D. M. (2019). Theory of Subjectivity and education: interview with Fernando González Rey: Interview. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 3(1), 13–33.
Dossiê Desdobramentos da Teoria da Subjetividade no campo da educação


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