The objectification of the curriculum in pedagogical activity

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Manoel Oriosvaldo de Moura


When  we  analyse  what  can  be  the  result  of what  the  curricula  roduce,  doubts about  its effectiveness  come  to  us,  and  we  are  called  to denaturalize  the  way  we  have  accepted  its formulations. To our activity as teacher, which has  as  its  object  the  teachers’  training,  which in    turn    will    have    as    their    object    the achievement  of  curricular  proposals,  it  seems necessary  to  seek  answers  to  the  questions: what   is   the   relevant   knowledge   for   this training?  What  is  the  expected  result  of  those who will be the target of the actions triggered by  the  pedagogical  activities  that  aim  at  the teaching of    contents    to    materialize    the curriculum?   In   this   article,   we   tried   to approach  the  curriculum  from  the  place  we occupy in the educational system, as a teacher of  future  teachers.  Our  focus  is  directed  on how   the   curriculum   is   concretized   in   the school, as    the    main    place    where    the pedagogical  framework  that  aims  at  teaching is carried out. We defend that the development of    the    curriculum    also    has    a    formative dimension     of     those     who,     as     subjects, participate   in   this   complex   activity   that somehow  aims  at  the realization  of  a  social project.  In  this  sense,  we  present  an  example of   a   proposal   for   the   development   of   a curriculum  within  a  project  that  had  as  its goal to experience, through the development of guiding   teaching   activities,   the   process   of meaning of the pedagogical activity as a way of achieving  it,  to  based  on  the  activity  theory. The  project  was  developed  in  collaboration  by four  research  groups  from  public  universities that formed core groups composed by graduate students,    undergraduate    students,    public school teachers and the local coordinator of the project,  an  university  teacher,  who  were  able to see in this composition the way of setting in movement  the  formation  of  each  participant face  a  common  problem:  the  construction  of  a proposal for the teaching of mathematics.


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Moura, M. O. de. (2017). The objectification of the curriculum in pedagogical activity. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 1(1), 98–128.


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