Perceptions on the impact of a hospital clowning project on the humanization of healthcare and the mental health of those involved participants
Laughter therapy, Humanization of assistance, Environmental healthAbstract
This study evaluated the impact of a hospital clowning project linked to the Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM), in the humanization of healthcare and the mental health of those involved. Thirty-five UFVJM students participated, who responded to the questionnaire and fill the inclusion criteria, with seventeen participating in the project and eighteen non-participating participants. The questionnaire consisted of objective and essay questions, being divided into three blocks: Block 1 evaluated the profile of the research participants; Block 2 covered humanization; and Block 3, mental health. The questions contained in each block varied between the groups. The data obtained were analyzed based on the content analysis technique proposed by Bardin (2011), being done in pairs to ensure the reliability of the results. From the reports of the two groups, positive impacts were identified for the participants, patients, companions, and health professionals, such as greater humanization in the area of health; the contribution in the process of training students to the health area; the mitigation of the stressors that they suffer during the university period; the promotion of moments of escapism from the hospital context; and speeding up the healing process.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Andressa Duarte de Souza, Guilherme Augusto Barroso de Aguiar, Michelly Siman Glória , Karen Santos Lima, Alison Cristine Pinto Guelpeli
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