Narrative experiences from studies on the additive field
university extension
University extension, Extension course, Mathematical educationAbstract
The text analyzes the records of the participants of an extension course, held at a public university, identifying what the students learned during the course with the following question: What are the pedagogical knowledge pointed out by the participants in the records of their learning process? We rely on the on the Theory of Conceptual Fields by Vergnaud (1990) and Smole (2007) with the proposal to discuss and analyze learning situations whose structures are in the additive field. We had as target audience: Pedagogy undergraduates, Early Childhood Education teachers, Elementary School teachers and Pedagogical Coordinators. This course was proposed by the demand pointed out by the participants of an extension activity held once a month at the university. They asked our research group to carry out an extension course on this topic. We noticed that they appropriated the planning, the role of the teacher as a mediator, organizer of situations and interventions that provide the child's learning. In addition to these, the most significant is the fact that they resignify their relationship with mathematics. This is essential for them to teach it by planning more meaningful classes, considering the awareness, knowledge and non-knowledge of their students.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Vania Finholdt Angelo Leite, Leticia Pacheco de Mello Trotte, Fernanda Medeiros Alves Besouchet Martins
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