"Development of cartoons and videos to popularize scientific knowledge" project as a tool to confront the pandemic
Extension, Cartoons, Videos, Scientific knowledge, HealthAbstract
The extension project entitled “Development of cartoons and videos to popularize scientific knowledge” has as one of its objectives to facilitate the population's access to knowledge that is worked in the universities, in a playful way and with easy-to-understand language, using social networks. The change in the world scenario due to the Covid-19 pandemic brought many challenges to health, economy, society, education and to the project, which underwent adaptations due to the need for social isolation and also to the published contents, which they began to address with more focus on issues related to Covid-19 and the guidelines established to confront the pandemic. In this context, the present report aims to describe the experiences and challenges faced by the extension project during the pandemic period, as well as highlight the importance of the material produced and the interaction with the population. The project has 1.025 followers and divides its activities among the script, art, digitization, editing, marketing and secretariat teams, that is, a multidisciplinary composition that allows the exchange of experiences between its members and those with the community, as well as the creation and publication of cartoons on social networks, in a didactic and reliable way.
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