UFSC-Ararangua creates a singing group and stimulates academic community’s participation
Music, Art, Singing groupAbstract
Music provides innumerable benefits to health, which happen through participation in vocal groups, among others. The goal of this work is to describe the creation of a singing group at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Campus Araranguá, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, as well as the activities performed to stimulate the participants to express their emotions and feelings through music. In order to create the group, the following steps were taken: the group’s name was chosen, invitations for people to integrate the group were sent, and weekly meetings and performances were scheduled. With this work, it was possible to describe how Staccato Group’s creation happened, a group with about 50 members. Since its origins, the group has performed at seven events for the academic community, and, even during pandemic times, it has held six online performances. Therefore, Staccato Group has ignited the culture of art in each of its members.
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