Reflections on the role of women in the solidarity economy
Women, Solidarity economy, Solidary economic enterprisesAbstract
Solidary economy, while a form of resistance to capitalist system, has been an important alternative for valuing women in situations of exclusion, discrimination and unemployment, since there is recognition of female and male specificities in the same space without making a distinction, with collective decision, besides integrating access to training, sharing information, experiences and knowledge. In this experience report the objective is to reflect on the women democratic participation and their gender relations in the solidary economy, understanding their performance as a possible strategy for emancipation, job creation and income, as well as social inclusion. For this, it is guided by theoretical and practical knowledge, through research on solidary economy, visits with narratives, semi-structured and individual interviews, carried out in Solidary Economy Enterprises (EES) in Uberlândia (MG), ending with a Conversation Circle, in May/2019, at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), with participants who integrate EES and others who sought shared knowledge. Despite the advances made by women in these enterprises, significant limits are evidenced for actions integration and the effectiveness of results.
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