The promotion of a scientific exhibitions for students from a municipal school in Barreirinhas, State of Maranhão, Brazil
Scientific exhibition, Elementary school, BarreirinhasAbstract
The promotion of biologic sciences, through scientific exhibitions has been considered one of the main pedagogic strategies used by Brazilian and foreign schools. This article has the objective of presenting the methodology, results, discussion and final considerations about the realization of the extension project "Science for Everyone", developed through the preparing and realization of the “First Scientific Exhibition in the Francisco Pedro Monroe Conceição Integrated Unity”. The extension project was developed in the municipality Barreirinhas (MA), being its target audience students from the final years of elementary school (morning period) from the Francisco Pedro Monroe Conceição Integrated Unity, an institution from the Municipal Education Network. The results were presented in qualitative and quantitative form, being provided by grades attributed by each class, group and student's exhibitions, and also participation, development, articulation and performance by the teachers during the preparing and presentation of the event. The extension action performed proved to be remarkable and favorable to the educational community favored by it, since there was, clearly, the rise in interest and protagonism of the target students, considering the establishment of authentic bonds between learners and learning during the extension project.
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