Knowledge, learning and socialization of extension in the context of the laboratory of history of the University of Dom Bosco (UCDB)
Teaching-learning, Cultural heritage, ExtensionAbstract
The text aims to present some of the extension activities carried out in the History Laboratory, Catholic University Dom Bosco (UCDB), contextualizing the actions carried out together with the public and private schools of Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, aiming to raise awareness among the students about the cultural heritage of the Campo Grande. The methodology utilized was the inductive method with transversal cuts, throughout workshops held in schools for elementary and high school students, which were taught by scholarship holders and the extension project coordinator, using books, multimedia, debates and photographic collection. The results point to a direct contact with the target population, providing a knowledge sharing built from the discussions held in loco, in which new knowledge was learned boosting the will for a change of approach regarding the reflections on the preservation of the cultural heritage field and the exercise of citizenship. As for teaching and learning, the extension students also develop other activities, such as: organization of events, technical visits, workshops, participation in events and scientific research guidelines.
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