Who transforms is transformed
extensionists in the exercise of the extension
University extension, University campus, Social transformation, Student leadershipsAbstract
The present work aims to report the results of the process of transformation and self - transformation of the agents involved who participated in extensionist actions. In order to do so, we present here three cases that were selected among the extension actions that took place in a University Campus of the Uberlândia Federal University of eminently technological character (engineering and biotechnology) and the actions manage to involve approximately 70 students distributed in three different cases: Casa Lar Meninas dos Olhos de Deus, Lar de Idosas Euripides Barsanulfo and Lar Vicentino Padre Alaor; all located in the Municipality of Patos de Minas, in the state of Minas Gerais / Brazil. The results pointed to the identification of three types of transformations. The first transformation was related to the results identified in the target audience and organizations participating in the cases. The second transformation is related to the students “self-transformation process, which was initially verified by the students” understanding of the difference between care and extension, followed by the need for involvement, commitment and learning about dialogicity present in the planning and design process of an extension project. The third and final transformation is related to the beginning of the debate about the need for the Campus to create and implement an extension agenda that meets the most important and relevant social demands of the community that surrounds it.
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