The fiscal education and the citizenship
a study with students of the final years of elementary school
Fiscal Education, Citizenship Formation, Elementary School, Pedagogical Workshop, Vendinha CapixabaAbstract
The study this about an Exploratory Sequential Design, because aiming to contribute to the formation of the students of the final years of elementary education, in the scope of Fiscal education, used quantitative data, obtained through the statistical method, to assist in the interpretation of qualitative results, that were previously obtained with a bibliographic research and with the questionnaires. This work had as subjects 94 students of the final years of elementary school at Bom Sucesso Municipal Elementary School, in São Mateus-ES and focused on the “Vendinha Capixaba” Pedagogical Workshop, part of the Espírito Santo State Tax Education Program, that proved to have positive impacts on the knowledge of these students. Given the inductive method, it is inferred that the knowledge of students attending the final years of elementary education on tax issues is, in general, modest, it seems that the knowledge of students attending the final years of elementary education on tax issues is, in general, modest, and that these students, when participating in the Workshop, are able to acquire a lot of knowledge on the subject, and it is important to concentrate efforts so that the theme is worked with the students of this stage of teaching, notably through the active methodology.
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