Repercussões da COVID-19 nas práticas profissionais de Psicologia
Mental health, COVID-19, Psychological interventionAbstract
In this article, we discuss the different ways in which Psychology was called upon to contribute in the face of the pandemic scenario imposed by COVID-19, highlighting adaptations, limitations and also innovations in the provision of care. Psychology was legitimized in its work, given the recognition and appreciation of mental health care, surpassing typical actions based on traditional modalities and expanding this listening to populations that were not always a priority target of this attention. It is hoped that these adaptations are not restricted to a response to a crisis, but that they trigger reflections on this action, which can be accompanied by discussions on modalities of care, possibilities of action, importance in the engagement of these professionals in health promotion , in addition to improving listening that goes beyond impositions of presence or certain contexts.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lucas Rossato; Marciana Gonçalves Farinha; Fabio Scorsolini-Comin
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