The souls in the natural naiveté.

The souls in the natural naiveté.


  • Giovanni Jan Giubilato UFLA


Husserl; phenomenology; psychology; constitution; enworlding.


The present paper aims to offer a contribution to the analysis of some fundamental elements of Husserlian phenomenology and, therefore, to propose a critical resumption of the discussion around the (possible) relationships and divergences between psychology and phenomenology. In order to rethink and question some fundamentals of the peculiar reception of phenomenological thought in Brazil, which obviously has a long and noble tradition, and a widely established history of effects [Wirkungsgeschichte], the first part of the text proposes a renewed examination of Husserl’s criticism of psychologism. The second part investigates how the “idea of phenomenology”, and its transcendental task, constitutes itself through this criticism, and also through a prolific discussion with psychology.


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How to Cite

Giubilato, G. J. (2021). The souls in the natural naiveté. : The souls in the natural naiveté . Perspectivas Em Psicologia, 24(2), 170–188. Retrieved from