Atlas of the media representation about the school ecosystem: notes for understanding the process of production of meanings




Media products, Social representation, Atlas Mnemosyne, School ecosystem, Meanings


This paper aims to understand how the media builds social representations about the school ecosystem. From a brief literature review based, especially, on Hall (2005; 2016) and Moscovici (2007), we developed a Mnemosyne Atlas, as proposed by Garcia and Ruiz (2013), with 10 media products, in different languages and formats, about the theme of the school environment, which were analyzed from five categories: social stereotype, fantasy, adolescence, humor, social class and culture. After describing the results, we emphasize the need to think about other ways of appropriating situations and events, people, places and objects related to the school universe that favor the construction of new meanings, identities, recognitions and interactions.


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How to Cite

Escudero, C., & Sylvestre, H. S. (2024). Atlas of the media representation about the school ecosystem: notes for understanding the process of production of meanings. Paradoxos, 8(2), 1–16.