The feminicide as an expression of power in the relations of between man and woman




The main objective of the research was to analyze feminicide as an expression of power in gender relations, in a social context with high levels of violence against women, whose most brutal expression materializes in the trivialization of femicide. It is a qualitative research, in a transdisciplinary hue, particularly legal and sociological, founded on several sources of evidence, the main ones being bibliographic research, and the survey of data related to violence against women. Violence and the unequal distribution of power in the relationship between genders will be analyzed based on the theoretical contributions elaborated by Bourdieu (1989, 2003). The study showed that, in Brazil, high rates of violence, secondary criminalization and identity degradation are factors that generate insecurity and indignity for women.

KEYWORDS: Violence. Woman. Femicide.


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Author Biographies

Hélio Luiz Fonseca Moreira, UFPA

Professor de Direito Penal do Instituto de Ciências Jurídicas/UFPA. Pós-doutor em Psicologia Social pelo PPGP da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA, 2020), doutor em Ciências Sociais (UFPA, 2007), mestre em Sociologia (UFPA, 2002), Especialista em Educação e Problemas Regionais (UFPA,1993), bacharel em Direito (UFPA, 1999), bacharel em Ciências Sociais (UFPA, 1990). Possui, ainda, experiência nas áreas Direito Processual Penal, Sociologia e Metodologia da Pesquisa. Desenvolve estudos nas seguintes linhas pesquisa: “Direito e Representações Sociais” e "Análise de decisões judiciais em estudo de casos”.

Iriscélia Acácio Moreira, UNAMA

Bacharelanda em Direito da Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA).



How to Cite

Moreira, H. L. F., & Moreira, I. A. (2020). The feminicide as an expression of power in the relations of between man and woman. Caderno Espaço Feminino, 33(1), 125–151.



Dossiê Violência & Gênero