A Feminist Retranslation of Seneca's play Trojan Women
Trojan Women, Seneca, Retranslation, Feminist Translation, ReceptionAbstract
Seneca’s Trojan Women is set in a prison camp on trojan territory, after the melee of the Trojan War. The reading of the play proposes that the Trojan women, led by Queen Hecuba, fight their last battle, using the voice they have left in the prison camp as a weapon. This article presents excerpts from the feminist retranslation of the play Trojan Women, in order to propose both a critical approach to the reception of works from Greco-Roman antiquity and a translation that makes explicit the violent themes from the source text. This approach promotes transdisciplinarity amongst Classical Reception Studies, Feminist Translation Studies and Critical Gender, Race and Sexuality Studies, proposing an engaged perspective for the critical classical reception studies and challenging the marks of eurocentrism, colonialism, and above all, sexism in classical texts.
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