
Literature in Semiotic Compost




Literature, Ecology, Cultivation, Ways of living, Incantation


Based on the Chthulucene proposed by Donna Haraway (2016, 2022), which is a call for a reflection on ecological recovery, this article aims to present a story-composter through a proposal to rewrite the relationship of the human and non-human. The composting of stories uses the idea of semiotic material from Chthulucene to inquire into the coexistence of human, imagined witches and non-humans by means of various languages and ways of living, for example, Ní Chuilleanáin’s poetry, Elza Soares’ voice, Medea, the narrative about the plants, written by Coccia (2018), and the knowledge of Mãe Stella de Ọ̀ṣọ́si. The story-composter materialized as an article contributes to the practice and dissemination of socio-biodiversity, because the literature in compost blurs the borders in favor of the decolonial experience with various living forms. Therefore it offers some perceptions of our relationship with heterogeneity and it questions our understanding of the word “human”.


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Author Biography

Geisa Mueller, Bolsista CNPq/UFPR

Geisa Mueller é doutora em Letras (UFPR, 2019), professora convidada em cursos de pós-graduação de instituições privadas, empreendedora de projetos artístico-culturais e autora de material didático. Realiza pesquisa de pós-doutorado como bolsista CNPq (UFPR, 2023) por meio do projeto “Folha-se: fazer parentes com saberes sensíveis”. Autora de José de Alencar em obra: recepção crítica e diálogos teóricos (InterSaberes, 2022), do capítulo “Bordado e sedição em Semíramis, de Ana Miranda” (Ed. UEPG, 2022) e do artigo “Revisitando Orides Fontela: uma leitura ecocrítica” (Scripta Uniandrade, 2022).


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How to Cite

MUELLER, G. Story-Composter: Literature in Semiotic Compost. Letras & Letras, Uberlândia, v. 39, n. único, p. e3915 | p. 1–16, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/LL63-v39-2023-15. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.