Toada, Shelter of Poetry
The Lyrics of Ronaldo Barbosa’s Songs
Toada, Music, Poetry, Lyric, ParintinsAbstract
The relationship and the estrangement between music and poetry has generated discussions over the centuries, especially considering that in classical antiquity poetry did not enjoy the autonomy achieved in modernity. This begins to be resumed in contemporary times, when there is again a flirtation between these genres. The intention of this article is to assess how poetry infiltrates Ronaldo Barbosa's toadas, by means of composition techniques, motifs, and lyrical discourse, to the point of classifying these songs as “caboclo poems”, written in an act of "inspiration". This is achieved by resorting to philosophers and essayists who deal with this relationship and those who provide definitions for these genres, including Aristotle with is Classic Poetics, Giuliana Ragusa and her Lira grega: antologia de poesia arcaica (Greek lyre: An anthology of archaic poetry), Carlos Reis and the essay O conhecimento da literatura (Knowledge of literature), among other researchers and thinkers.
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