Traduzindo a “bixa-preta”

Imbricações interseccionais na poética de Thomas Grimes




Black-queer, Academic training, Poems, Thomas Grimes, Translation


Based upon an intersectional perspective on categories such as gender, race/ethnicity, and class, in this paper, I reflect on the literary work of the American Black-queer poet Thomas Grimes. For that purpose, I focus on my translations of some poems included in the section “Glass Closets”, in the anthology Milking Black Bull: 11 Gay Black Poets (1995), edited by Assotto Saint. My intention is to demonstrate how Grimes, by mobilizing manifold scenes through his poetics, not only unveils and articulates “subaltern” knowledges of exploited and oppressed social groups, but also draws an in-depth diagnosis of the hegemonic endeavor of trivializing and devaluing the subjectivity of those whose bodily materiality is black and queer.


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Author Biography

Fernando Luís de Morais, UNESP-IBILCE

Doutorando em Teoria e Estudos Literários


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How to Cite

DE MORAIS, F. L. Traduzindo a “bixa-preta”: Imbricações interseccionais na poética de Thomas Grimes. Letras & Letras, Uberlândia, v. 38, p. e3804 | 1–20, 2022. DOI: 10.14393/LL63-v38-2022-04. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.