“There and Back Again”

From Media Culture to Literature, from Literature to Media Culture





Intermediality, Transmediation, Convergence culture, Media culture, Education


The intention of this paper is to share experience from a course in intermedia studies. It consists in two methodological schemes. The first one provides an option for students of various disciplines––philology, aesthetics, cultural and film studies, and so forth. It starts from the concept (and experience) of media culture, multimediality and re/hyper/mediation and pursues the position and meaning of works of literature within such a context. The other scheme is based on the concept of literature-centered intermediality. Its nodal point being a canonical work of Czech literature, it focuses on its further “(trans)media life” and is primarily aimed at students of Czech studies. Media products and genres are inquired into both as modes of representation and communication.


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Author Biography

Alice Jedličková, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Czech Literature

Associate Professor of Czech Literature. Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Czech literature, Theory Department, Prague (Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd České republiky).


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How to Cite

JEDLIČKOVÁ, A. “There and Back Again”: From Media Culture to Literature, from Literature to Media Culture. Letras & Letras, Uberlândia, v. 37, n. 1, p. 31–55, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/LL63-v37n1-2021-03. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/letraseletras/article/view/58287. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.