Jewish life in times of dictatorship
Refugees, Jewish immigration, Anti-Semitism in the Vargas Era, Polacas”, Jewish-Brazilian fictionAbstract
In Traduzindo Hannah (Translating Hannah), the action takes place in Getúlio Vargas’s dictatorial government, with his obsession to establish strict vigilance over all acts of the population, including mail exchange, mainly in foreign languages, in search for encrypted messages. To this end, it is necessary to convene a Yiddish expert. The reading of the letters exchanged between sisters Hannah and Guita leads the protagonist, himself an immigrant fleeing from the poor conditions imposed by Poland to Jews, to deepen in the relations between the members of Rio de Janeiro’s Jewish community. This article discusses the migratory flow of Jews from Europe to Brazil in the 1920s and 1930s, the climate of anti-Semitism that prevailed during the Vargas Era, on the eve of World War II, and its effects on the Jewish life, including the difficulties created for feminine freedom, such as the traffic of white slaves, the so-called “Polacas”.
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