The First Translation of Patrick White’s The Solid Mandala into Spanish

A Brief Analysis




Translation, Australian Literature, Culture


This paper analyses some aspects (use of footnotes, intertextuality, punctuation and maintenance of cultural elements) of Las esferas del mandala, the first Spanish translation (by Silvia Pupato and Román García-Azcárate and published in Barcelona in 1973) of The Solid Mandala, written by the Australian Nobel Prize winner Patrick White in 1966. Through the selection of excerpts from the original considered problematic to be rendered in translation, we observe the solutions found, as well as some strategies adopted by the Spanish translators to compose the final product presented to the readers. This contrastive reading hopes to engender interesting ideas to help future translators of the novel, while valuing the translation act.


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How to Cite

STEFANI, M. The First Translation of Patrick White’s The Solid Mandala into Spanish: A Brief Analysis. Letras & Letras, Uberlândia, v. 35, n. 2, p. 161–180, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/LL63-v35n2-2019-9. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.