A redefinição da profissão docente e da compreensão da prática pedagógica


  • Kátia Kellen Batista Balbino Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Rosane Rosane Oliveira Santos Universidade Federal de Uberlândia




Education, Teacher redefinition, Pedagogical practices


This article aims to make a critical analysis of the redefinition of the teacher 's profession in relation to current pedagogical practices, based on a systematic review of the relevant bibliography. It was initially observed that education is one of the areas of knowledge that has undergone significant changes in recent years, aiming to break the ties with traditional teaching that no longer meets the demands of students and society as a whole. The conservative paradigms in relation to pedagogical practices are giving way to the construction of new knowledge and practices, to adapt to the new demands that arise with the era of knowledge, information and communication. In this sense, the teacher also has to adapt to the changes that occur in the world and in education, because among the actors of education, the teacher is one of the main responsible for the social transformation in education promoting the effective learning of the student. However, it was realized that not all educators (teachers) are able to redefine teaching practice, that is, to adopt a behavior that is always focused on their own learning and, consequently, on continuing education. The Brazilian schools, because of the crisis that plagues education, are not prepared to promote the improvement of teachers. Thus, it was concluded that the redefinition of the teaching profession in the face of the understanding of the new pedagogical practices is an additional challenge for education, and its scope depends on political will and also on the teacher's own will power in teach.


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Author Biographies

Kátia Kellen Batista Balbino, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Especialista em Coordenação Pedagógica pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU).

Rosane Rosane Oliveira Santos, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Secretária da Faculdade de Educação (FACED) da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU).


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