
  • Nilva Maria Miranda Mendes Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Jane Maria dos Santos Reis



Democratic Management, Reading, Child education, School Manager


The present work seeks to understand and analyze the role of the school manager and its respective challenge of planning and promoting actions that contribute to the development of the intellectual autonomy of their peers, as well as the students attended in the early childhood education. In detail, it proposes to analyze the role of the school manager in the process of training the reader in Early Childhood Education, that is, as a mediator of the process of training of readers in Education. For the preparation of the studies presented here, a bibliographical research was carried out that addresses both the democratic management in its main aspects and the role of the manager as mediator in the process of formation of the reader, as well as understanding the importance of social practice of reading in the (taking into account the singularities and specific challenges of this level of education). After a bibliographical survey and literature review, a brief explanation was elaborated on the role of the school manager in the perspective of democratic management, based on the contribution of some researchers on the praxis of this one. It is a discussion in which literary reading in children's education must become increasingly accessible, real and democratized. For this, it was necessary to analyze some conceptions and practices that involve the actions of the school managers as mediators of literary reading and possible formators of readers. Therefore, democratizing access to reading and guaranteeing the constitutional right to quality education refers us to questions related to the importance of training the reader in early childhood education.



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Author Biographies

Nilva Maria Miranda Mendes, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Especialista em Curso de Coordenação Pedagógica pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.

Jane Maria dos Santos Reis

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – (UFU).  


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