New insights on the history of education research: an analysis of term frequency in The New Era magazine via the software ATLAS.Ti
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This article aims to analyze the absolute frequency of terms related to schooling phases that we identify in The New Era magazine, official organ on English language, of the New Education Fellowship, between the 1920s to the 1930s. The theoretical and methodological implications are based on the intersection of propositions from Digital History and the History of Education. As a result, it was possible to observe that the term "nursery school" was the most frequent. This result is a reflection of social and educational discussions taking place in the British context at the time. Finally, from the theoretical and methodological approach used in this article, it was possible to think about the importance of a Digital History of Education constitution. Thus, the organization of an epistemic arm of the Digital History of Education makes it possible to advance the field through the discussion and analysis of digital and digitalized collections.
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