The spectrum of anormality rounds students

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Júlia Catani


In A '' problem child '' in the Brazilian school - an analysis of pedagogical discourse, Ana Laura Godinho Lima examines in detail what this mode of naming would be and its possible repercussions in the Brazilian educational field. The material analyzed in the work that is the result of the doctoral thesis shows the need to go back to the origin of the terms, names and verbal resources used in daily school life. The researcher develops an extensive investigation about the elements involved in the classification of "problem child". To hasty readers, wishing for a quick clarification of what the scenario of the use of terms involves, I recommend patience, because the attention given to the way the analysis work is organized allows us to appreciate, as in a travel script, each choice made by the author and the author. mode of constructing criticism of each of the problems identified. That is, the reader is rewarded for the information contained on each page, information that extends far beyond the volume of data and gives rise to fertile reflections and questions for the understanding of educational practices and also for the fields of pedagogical knowledge and care in general. Freud said: the more you know about the past, the better the possibilities for the future. Knowing the history that led to the identification and naming of the problem child allows us to understand social, school, religious, and family factors involved in the situation and alert us to what may not be evident or even unknown to us.


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How to Cite
Catani, J. (2019). The spectrum of anormality rounds students. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 18(3), 909–914.
Book Review
Author Biography

Júlia Catani, Universidade São Judas Tadeu; Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)


LIMA, Ana Laura Godinho. A "'criança-problema" na escola brasileira - uma análise do discurso pedagógico. Curitiba: Appris, 2018. 211p.