Characterization and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia SPP. isolated from vegetable crops grown in greenhouses in Samsun province, Turkey


  • Ismail Erper Ondokuz Mayıs University
  • Elif Yildirim Ondokuz Mayıs University



Anastomosis group, Rhizoctonia spp., Root rot, Vegetables, Virulence


A total of one hundred and five isolates of Rhizoctonia belonging to 7 anastomosis groups (AGs) were obtained from the diseased roots and rhizosphere soils of bean, cucumber, eggplant, pepper and tomato plants grown in greenhouses in Samsun province (Black Sea region, Turkey) during the period 2011-2012. The isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. were examined for their cultural characteristics, anastomosis groups and pathogenicity. Of these, 83.8% were multinucleate Rhizoctonia solani (AG-2, AG-4, AG-5 and AG-6) and 16.2% were binucleate Rhizoctonia (AG-A, AG-E and AG-F). Sixty five of the isolates belonged to AG-4 which was the most frequent group (61.9%) in all greenhouses surveyed. Numbers of the isolates belonging to AG-2 (7.6%), AG-5 (6.7%) and AG-6 (7.6%) were 8, 7 and 8, respectively. Seventeen isolates recovered from greenhouses surveyed were identified as binucleate Rhizoctonia AG-A (1.9%), AG-E (6.7%) and AG-F (7.6%). All isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. tested for growth rates grew at temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C, whereas they were completely inhibited at 5°C. The results of pathogenicity tests showed that the differences in virulence among isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. were statistically significant (P < 0.001). The tests on bean seedlings showed that the highest disease severity was caused by AG-4 isolates. The disease severity index (DSI) of the R. solani AG-4 isolates ranged from 3.2 to 3.8. In addition, the isolates of three AGs belonging to binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. were generally found to be moderately virulent (DSI 2.0-2.4). 


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How to Cite

ERPER, I. and YILDIRIM, E., 2017. Characterization and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia SPP. isolated from vegetable crops grown in greenhouses in Samsun province, Turkey . Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 257–267. [Accessed12 September 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v33n2-34580. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences