Quatorze lições sobre philosophia yogi e occultismo oriental: a yoga book and its transnational editorial transit from Chicago to São Paulo (1903-1910)


  • Bruno Guaraldo de Paula Silveira




history of the book, transnational transit, yoga book


Quatorze lições sobre philosophia yogi e occultismo oriental is a yoga book written in Portuguese, signed by Yogi Ramacharaka, published in São Paulo by the Brasil-Psychico-Astrologico publishing house in 1910. However, contrary to what it may seem, it was not written by an Indian guru, nor is it the work of a Brazilian author: it is a translation of Fourteen lessons in yogi philosophy and oriental occultism (1903), by the American writer and editor William Walker Atkinson (1862-1932). The purpose of this article is to understand how his editorial transit from Chicago to São Paulo took place. We defend the hypothesis that this was only possible thanks to the efforts of the Portuguese- Brazilian editor Antônio Olívio Rodrigues (1879-1943), who mediated the authorization, translation, edition and sale of this book in São Paulo’s publishing market.


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Author Biography

Bruno Guaraldo de Paula Silveira

Doutorando em História pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp-Franca). 


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How to Cite

Guaraldo de Paula Silveira, B. (2023). Quatorze lições sobre philosophia yogi e occultismo oriental: a yoga book and its transnational editorial transit from Chicago to São Paulo (1903-1910). ArtCultura, 25(46), 62–77. https://doi.org/10.14393/artc-v25-n46-2023-71186



Dossier - Passages of the Book: Transnational History(ies) of Publishing Transits