Looking for quartos: materiality of the book and meaning of the text


  • Roger Chartier




material text, meaning, publishing


“Forms effect meaning”. The format of the books or pamphlets is an essential characteristic of written culture even before the invention of printing. This article begins with a research about the uses of the inquarto format between the sixteenth and eighteenth century and opposes the frequent use of this format in Spain and England to the reluctance to use it in France. The examination of Don Quixote’s library allows us to discuss the relationship between literary genres and typographical formats. These relations are not stable. The transformation of the format of publication of a text can change the status and meaning of the work (it is the case for Castiglione, Shakespeare and Gracián). It can also widen its readership (particularly in the case of the editions addressed to popular readers in the nineteenth century) and change its meaning. The example of the uses of the quarto format illustrates the mobile relationship that exists between a given work, its multiple texts, and the variety of its readers and readings. The materiality of the printed texts and the mobility of their signification are thus tightly associated.


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Author Biography

Roger Chartier

Professor emérito do Collège de France. Professor visitante da Universidade da Pensilvânia/EUA. Autor, entre outros livros, de Um mundo sem livros e sem livrarias? São Paulo: Letraviva, 2020. 


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How to Cite

Chartier, R. (2022). Looking for quartos: materiality of the book and meaning of the text. ArtCultura, 24(44), 9–22. https://doi.org/10.14393/artc-v24-n44-2022-66574



Dossier: History, books & readings