Tropical sketches from Brasil: art and British anti-slavery politic


  • Emerson Dionisio Gomes de Oliveira



Brasiliana, Paul HarroHarring, Moreira Salles Institute


In 1840 the newspaper The African Colonizer sent the Danish artist Paul Harro-Harring to Rio de Janeiro. The trip resulted in the series of paintings titled Tropical sketches from Brazil. The author of a controversial biography, Harro-Harring crafted an important set of works that reveal aspects of everyday life of slavery at the Rio de Janeiro coast. This article seeks to understand how the works of Tropical sketches from Brazil relate to Harring's literary and polemista work, setting conditions to undestanding his observational capacity, which is situated between lyric perspective, estrangement and documental registry. Works linked to an ample set of images that derives from expeditions, trips and (missions) dedicated to popularizing natural and human-made landscapes from distant lands.


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Author Biography

Emerson Dionisio Gomes de Oliveira

Doutor em História pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Professor do Instituto de Artes e dos Programas de Pós-graduação em Artes e em Ciência da Informação da UnB. Pesquisador do CNPq. Coorganizador, entre outros livros, de Historias da arte em museus. Rio de Janeiro: Rio Books, 2020. 


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How to Cite

Gomes de Oliveira, E. D. . (2020). Tropical sketches from Brasil: art and British anti-slavery politic. ArtCultura, 22(41), 74–89.



Dossiê: História & visualidades