Brazilian “regional bands” and the choro sound: performance characterization in choro accompaniment


  • Felipe Ferreira de Paula Pessoa



choro, regional ensemble, guitar duos, performance


The paper aims at discussing the process of formation of the regional ensemble and how this process influences the development of a model of performance accompaniment of choro. We propose a historical perspective based on phonograms choro since the emergence of groups and duos of guitars in the early twentieth century, the consolidation of this set in the decade of 1930/1940, with the Regional of Benedito Lacerda. A key feature of the approach is the focus on how to accompaniment on the guitar duos in the context of the regional ensemble, creating a performance model that is formed by the consolidation and development of choro while an inserted musical practice in the emerging phonographic industry. The main theoretical basis for analysis of the recordings was the sound concept, proposed by Delalande, who understands how the media and the phonofixation allow a new sound listening, expanding the concept of timbre and performance itself.



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Author Biography

Felipe Ferreira de Paula Pessoa

Mestre em Música pela Universidade de Brasília (UNB). Doutorando em História pela mesma Universidade. Professor da Escola de Música de Brasília (CEP-EMB).


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How to Cite

Ferreira de Paula Pessoa , F. . (2019). Brazilian “regional bands” and the choro sound: performance characterization in choro accompaniment. ArtCultura, 21(38), 163–179.