“Eu quero frátria”2: the rap community


  • Santuza Cambraia Naves




This paper discusses how rap has broken with the category “nation-state” by resorting, in terms of both discourse and music, to the idea of “community”. The notion of “nation” is displaced so that the geographical space that corresponds to its boundaries is replaced by another, bounded by that cross-section of the world determined by the trajectory of black people. In this way rappers reconstruct their own genealogy on the basis of negritude. By adopting this attitude, Brazilian rappers take as their ancestors not only traditional partido-alto sambistas and Northeastern repentistas but also North American musicians, in their search for a musical and behavioral heritage. This kind of “attitude” may be compared with the assumptions of the “national-popular” ideology that provided a guideline for MPB musicians in the 60s, who saw “Brazil” and “the people” from a totalizing perspective.

keywords: rap; nation-state; community.


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Author Biography

Santuza Cambraia Naves

Ex-professora do Departamento de Sociologia e Política da Pontifícia Universidade Católica/PUC-RJ. Foi coordenadora do Núcleo de Estudos Musicais da Universidade Candido Mendes, do Rio de Janeiro. Escreveu, entre outros livros, O violão azul: modernismo e música popular. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 1998.



How to Cite

Naves, S. C. (2018). “Eu quero frátria”2: the rap community. ArtCultura, 20(37), 193–200. https://doi.org/10.14393/artc-v20-n37-2018-47250