Solar do Unhão Museum and Sesc Pompeia by architect Lina Bo Bardi: discussing the education / culture binomial


  • Evelyn Furquim Werneck Lima


I argue here that education means appropriation of the cultural heritage of humanity by all social layers of the population; the culture of a country is more than what can be taught in schools and through textbooks. To support my view of the relationship between education and culture, I resorted to the work of the Italian-Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi (1914-1992), who perfectly understood the meaning of these two concepts, which she applied to the Brazilian population. Through the analysis of the change of use for Solar do Unhão as a museum and a Popular University in Salvador, state of Bahia, and of the setting up of a pedagogical project at a Leisure and Sports Center in the SESC of Pompeia Factory in São Paulo, including classes and cultural activities, I could identify how to value the diverse forms of culture emanating from the people and the unconventional education applied to this same people as something that makes sense to the political and cultural formation of a nation.

Keywords: education; cultural practices; Lina Bo Bardi.


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Author Biography

Evelyn Furquim Werneck Lima

Doutora em História Social pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professora do Centro de Letras e Artes e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UniRio). Bolsista produtividade em pesquisa do CNPq e da Faperj. Autora, entre outros livros, de Arquitetura do espetáculo: teatros e cinemas na formação da Praça Tiradentes e da Cinelândia. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 2000.



How to Cite

Lima, E. F. W. (2016). Solar do Unhão Museum and Sesc Pompeia by architect Lina Bo Bardi: discussing the education / culture binomial. ArtCultura, 17(31). Retrieved from