Fake news about Covid-19 vaccination in Brazil
a discursive functioning
Fake News, Vaccination, COVID-19, Discursive analysis, Real gamesAbstract
We aim to analyze statements produced about the vaccination of COVID-19 in Brazil, checked and considered news by the digital platform Aos Fatos, in order to describe the discursive strategies and the truth games that are triggered in the production of these discursive materialities. We affiliate ourselves with Foucauldian discursive studies, through their postulates about truth and interdiction, regimes of truth and will to truth. In addition, notions about post-truth and fake news are explained, according to Santaella (2019) and by Zoppi-Fontana (2021). It is a qualitative research, with an interpretive-descriptive bias. As a result, we realize that Aos Fatos seeks to bring institutional voices to interdict the anti-vaccine discourse, establishing who can speak and what can be said. When speaking, the enunciator-subject of Aos Fatos tactically resorts to science, which supports the position of the journalistic subject in relation to the topic of vaccination. Thus, one always queues for the best specialist in the medical sphere to counter-argument what was said in the fake news, creating an effect of truth. Strategically, the agency joins journalistic and medical voices to support a will for truth that can be valid for everyone, supported by scientific knowledge, in an attempt to disqualify what is not within scientific knowledge.
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