A cognitive approach to discourse analysis
the case of Human Rights reports in Chile
Cognitive linguistics, Discourse analysis, Human rights, Chile, AgentivityAbstract
Through a discursive analysis of reports on human rights in Chile from different moments in recent history, we show how finding of cognitive linguistics can contribute to a better understanding of social phenomena. More concretely, we analyze three discursive aspects: (i) the graduality of the identification of victims and perpetrators, (ii) the degree of intentionality that is attributed to the actions and the (more or less) prototypical representations of the agent, and (iii) the description of spaces that actívate the notion of certain perpetrators. The results show that the OEA reports, written during the dictatorship, offer more detailed information about those responsible for human rights violations than the Rettig report, written at the beginning of the transition towards democracy. Moreover, this study shows how cognitive linguistics can contribute to the analysis of discourses concerning the (non-)attribution of responsibility.
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