Governança no setor sucroalcooleiro: uma análise comparada de São Paulo e do Cerrado Mineiro e Goiano


  • Cristiane Feltre Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
  • Bruno Benzaquen Perosa Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



This paper aimed to compare the governance mechanisms used for sugarcane transactions on the main Brazilian producer states (São Paulo, Goiás e Minas Gerais). The research was developed based on quantitative and qualitative methods using secondary data and bibliographic review. Results revealed many transformations on governance mechanisms used on supply strategies on producer states, which can be explained by regulatory changes, for organization and profile of cane producers and mills managerial profile. In the Cerrado mineiro and goiano regions, it was observed that on the beginning of the cane expansion on the 2000s more integrated governance strategies were adopted by mills (higher share of own cane) due to the lack of suppliers on these areas. Although, this trend is changing on the last years since many farmers are planting cane and getting organized to produce and trade their supply with mills.


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How to Cite

FELTRE, C. .; BENZAQUEN PEROSA , B. . Governança no setor sucroalcooleiro: uma análise comparada de São Paulo e do Cerrado Mineiro e Goiano. Revista Economia Ensaios, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil, v. 35, n. 2, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/REE-v35n2a2020-57244. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 aug. 2024.