Singular therapeutic project:
reflections on a dental extension project for people with developmental disabilities
Health Communication, Comprehensive Health Care, Health of the Disabled, Patient Care Team, Singular Therapeutic ProjectAbstract
This experience report describes the procedures used by Dentistry in its dialogue with parents and guardians of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities and with the interdisciplinary team of the Integrated Rehabilitation Service of the Minas Gerais Rehabilitation Association, to establish a unique therapeutic project to achieve the general health and social integration of its patients. To this end, a documentary analysis was carried out of the articles published in full by this project that describe this dialogue. The discussion was guided by ethno methodology, considering the subjects involved in the debate, their socio-economic and cultural contexts, and the limits of care offered by the Unified Health System (SUS).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Frederico Santos Lages, Ênio Lacerda Vilaça, Rodrigo Richard da Silveira, Lia Silva de Castilho
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