Science popularization

why and for whom


  • Rubenita Barros Soares Instituto de Educação Superior Franciscano



Popularization of science, Technology, Environment


This experience report aims to present the actions and activities for the dissemination and popularization of science carried out during the last three editions of the National Week of Science and Technology-SNCT, in Paço do Lumiar/MA. These events are inter-municipal in scope, covering the cities of São Luís, São José de Ribamar and Paço do Lumiar, all within the state of Maranhão. In 2020, the event took place remotely, due to the pandemic of COVID-19. In 2021 it happened in a hybrid way, and in 2022 the activities were all in person. The number of participants in the events has increased over the years, thanks to the extensive publicity previously carried out in municipal and state schools and state and federal institutes. This disclosure was made through the Municipal Department of Education of Paço do Lumiar. The places where the events took place were easily accessible, one of them being in the rural area of ​​the city to be able to serve the most needy communities in the municipality. SNCT provided unique moments for academic knowledge to be socialize, discussed, and spoken with the external community of universities. The SMCT in Paço do Lumiar is in its fifth edition.


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Author Biography

Rubenita Barros Soares, Instituto de Educação Superior Franciscano

Specialist in People Management, Franciscano Institute of Higher Education, State of Maranhão, Brazil.


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How to Cite

SOARES, R. B. Science popularization: why and for whom. Revista Em Extensão, Uberlândia, v. 23, n. 1, p. 199–209, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/REE-v23n12024-68164. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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