Report on 10 years of activities at the University Open to the Third Age (UNATI/UNESP-Sorocaba)
Human aging, Education, Elderly, CitizenshipAbstract
The global population continues to grow annually, while projections indicate that in 2047, the number of people with age over 60 years will exceed that of children. Considering that aging is a natural human process, the aim of the University Open to the Third Age (UNATI/UNESP) is to promote social inclusion of the elderly in the university environment, enabling the sharing of knowledge and experiences of different generations. The purpose of the present work is to report on the actions that have been undertaken, as well as the event commemorating its 10 years of existence. The project offers the elderly access to the university, providing activities to improve their quality of life and creating a space that is welcoming and offers opportunities for the creation of new bonds and friendships. The commemorative event included the organization of lectures, workshops and a health space, with the participation of around 2130 elderly people and 34 students, in 108 activities. The activities could assist in decreasing mental degeneration and avoiding diseases associated with aging. All of these aspects can help to increase life expectancy, self-confidence, and vitality.
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