Community toy library
report of an experience of extension in the context of a Social Assistance Reference Center
Toy library, Childhood, Family relationships, Social protection, Social inclusionAbstract
This is the report of an experience of extension of the Regional University of Blumenau, in partnership with the Municipal Secretariat of Social Development. It seeks to discuss possibilities and challenges of university extension in devices of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS). The activities took place at a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) and had as main goal to promote the strengthening of family and community bonds through the structuring and consolidation of a community toy library. Anchored in Winnicott's theories about emotional development and the importance of playing in child development, the actions involved undergraduate students and scholarship holders from Psychology and Social Work courses, in addition to professors and CRAS professionals. In addition to biweekly meetings between project members, five meetings were held involving the CRAS team and five workshops for family members and children up to one month old, as well as the I Jornada SUAS event, attended by SUAS professionals working in municipalities from the upper Itajaí Valley, academics and the community in general. Some difficulties faced during the execution of the project are discussed, and suggestions are made for community toy projects in social assistance devices.
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