Dawn in extension
prevention and control of gestational anemia in primary health care in the city of Belém, State of Pará, Brazil
Medical education, Community-institution relations, Anemia, Pregnancy, PrenatalAbstract
Health promotion consists in a major group of actions, which primary objective is to educate, increase awareness and prevention of diseases. Therefore, the health education, included in this promotion, becomes an indispensable factor not only to the student who applies it, but to the community as well. The challenges to the application of this education are many, those due the socioeconomic conjuncture in which the society lives in. In order to overcome this challenge, the academic extension is very important, because it has in its nature the ability to link the knowledge from the universities to the community. Made during the period of 12 months, this extensionist project was performed in specific districts of Belém, State of Pará, Brazil, regarding the theme of gestational anemia, a highly prevalent disease all around the world. The participants of the project were taught in ludic ways, including speeches and others activities based on peer education. The pregnant women, aware of the adversities in which they lived, received knowledge about healthy alimentation, rich in vegetables and fruits from the nearby farmer’s markets, and also the importance of medical care during the gestational period. In this manner, effectively raising the awareness in this population.
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