Aprenda a pronunciar University extension with elderly of basic health unit Biguaçu, Santa Catarina
experience of physical education academics
Seniors, Health, University extension, School physical educationnAbstract
The aim of this report is to describe a nutritional education activity planned to encourage the fish consumption in a primary school in Palmas, State of Tocantins, Brazil, within the scope of the project "Transfer of Technology for the insertion of family farmed fish in school meal" conducted by the Nutrition Faculty of the Federal University of Tocantins and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, which aims to establish strategies for insertion of fish in school meals, offering a healthy animal protein for students and opening new markets for artisanal fishermen. The activity consisted in the presentation of a theatrical play, with the inclusion of parodies of children's songs, being its effectiveness evaluated through the application of structured questionnaires before and after the educational action. It was concluded that the experiment was satisfactory, increasing the correct answers about the fish consumption benefits after this intervention. Nutrition education has proven to be an important tool for health promotion, since it is a cheap and simple way to bring information to the most diverse social groups, becoming an ally for disease prevention and stimulating a healthy lifestyle.
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