Edição Atual

v. 28 n. 1 (2024): Revista Perspectivas em Psicologia
Publicado: 2024-12-31


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Focus and Scope


Perspective in Psychology  aims to publish original works in Psychology and related areas that fit in the categories listed below:

A) Articles (15-25 pages): a description of an original research based on systematic and thorough investigations. Theoretical or review articles with a critical and timely analysis of a comprehensive research body on issues of interest for the development of Psychology will also be accepted. Such articles should preferably cover the area of research of the author.

B) Free case reports (10-25 pages): brief reports of research or professional experience with methodologically appropriate evidence; manuscripts that describe new methods or techniques will also be accepted.

C) Reviews (2-4 pages): critical reviews of books published recently. Such reviews must guide the reader in terms of the features and potential uses of those works. Authors should consult with the Editor in charge before submitting reviews to the editorial process.

Perspectives in Psychology is biannual and publishes works preferably in Portuguese or Spanish, and may, at the discretion of the Editorial Board, publish works in English or French.


Section Policies



Default Section Policy

Articles (15-25 pages): a description of an original research based on systematic and thorough investigations. Theoretical or review articles with a critical and timely analysis of a comprehensive research body on issues of interest for the development of Psychology will also be accepted. Such articles should preferably cover the area of research of the author.


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer reviewed

Free Case Reports:


Default Section Policy

Free case reports (10-25 pages): brief reports of research or professional experience with methodologically appropriate evidence; manuscripts that describe new methods or techniques will also be accepted.


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer reviewed



Default Section Policy

Reviews (2-4 pages): critical reviews of books published recently. Such reviews must guide the reader in terms of the features and potential uses of those works. Authors should consult with the Editor in charge before submitting reviews to the editorial process.


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer reviewed

Peer Review Process

Original manuscripts will be accepted for evaluation unless they have been submitted to any other journal and/or previously published in events, preserving the unprecedented character of it. They should also come accompanied by a cover letter requesting publication in the journal; this cover letter must be signed by all authors.

The editorial process will only begin if the manuscripts submitted comply with the requirements outlined in the Instructions. Otherwise, the manuscripts will be returned for adjustments and inclusion of a cover letter or other documents before being submitted to the pre-analysis of the Editorial Board and the subsequent evaluation of merit of the work by peers.

The journal shall verify all articles submitted before forwarding to peer review, by means of a plagiarism detection tool,.



Perspectives in Psychology is a biannual journal.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed file system among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration. Learn more…