Art as a historical interlocutor of the imaginative human being




Art, Image, Materialization, Artistic production, Everyday experience


The materialization and sharing of everyday experiences found in artistic production their main instrument of recording, enabling a large part of the history of human beings to be unveiled. The central objective of this article is to understand the function of Art as a historical-cultural interlocutor in the trajectory of the human being. As a research methodology, we sought to establish a link between artistic artifacts and the history of social human beings. Based on this assumption and considering the reflections of theorists such as: Christoph Wulf, Edgar Morin, Walter Benjamin, and Aby Warburg, it was possible to establish a relationship between artistic production and the evolutionary process of human beings. A procedure that allowed legitimizing the thought that admits: the entire history of human beings can only be told through art.


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How to Cite

Souza , W. G. de. (2024). Art as a historical interlocutor of the imaginative human being. Paradoxos, 9(Contínua), 1–14.