The use of Instagram by Brazilian businesspeople as a pro-Bolsonaro government platform at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic




Media, Quotidian, Work, Affection, Coronavirus


This article aims to analyze a post by businessman Junior Durski on Instagram on 03/27/2020, and a post by businessman Luciano Hang on same social network on 03/28/2020, after then-president Jair Bolsonaro, whom they both supported, had spoken on television defending the end of social isolation and ignoring the effects of coronavirus on public health. It starts from the hypothesis that the language used in the posts contributed to the construction of affections with the public, in order to make them adhere to a logic of capital, under the aegis of the discourse of meritocracy and personal fulfillment that lasted throughout the peak of the pandemic. The analysis is based on Interactional Sociolinguistics, considering posts that involved the relationship between work and coronavirus, during the week of Bolsonaro's pronouncement.


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How to Cite

Venancio, M. de A. P. (2024). The use of Instagram by Brazilian businesspeople as a pro-Bolsonaro government platform at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Paradoxos, 8(2), 1–18.