Walter Lippmann’s public opinion: the role of the press in modern society




Walter Lippmann, Public opinion, Press


Completing a century, Public opinion (1922) remains a reference work in the academic field of communication and journalism. In this article, we undertake a bibliographical study to review and analyze the contributions made by Walter Lippmann. We develop four lines of study: 1st Lippmann as a journalist and his legacy for professional practices, like the ideal of objectivity; 2nd as a liberal intellectual engaged in critical reflection on democratic dynamics, opposing totalitarian regimes; 3rd as a thinker of the role of the press in modern society; and 4th as a contributor to journalism theories.


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How to Cite

Daros, O. (2022). Walter Lippmann’s public opinion: the role of the press in modern society. Paradoxos, 7(2), 192–205.