Results of Nostalgia of the Ruins in Kokuriko-zaka Kara and in the world




Nostalgia for the Ruins, Street Cinemas, Access to Culture


This work analyzes the film “From Up on Poppy Hill” through the lens of Andreas Huyssen's theory about the Nostalgia For Ruins and, thus, compares the fight of this feature-animated film with real and current mobilizations for the sake of Brazilian patrimonies. The film is examined considering the lived context in Japan, which had been preparing itself to host the Tokyo 1964 Summer Olympics. Taking into account the gentrified real estate speculation brought to the host cities of megaevents, it is possible to compare it to Rio de Janeiro, where the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics took place. Hence, the Quartier Latin movement and the Movimento Cine Guaraci Vive (Cine Guaraci Lives Movement) come into focus, both by similarities and the discrepancies – that go far beyond reality/fiction, Japan/Brazil etc. In this way, there is a multi-situated and comparative methodological perspective in which film analysis and cinematographic language are added to philosophical theories and participant observation from anthropology.


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DA COLINA Kokuriko. Direção de Goro Miyazaki. Produção de Toshio Suzuki. Roteiro: Hayao Miyazaki, Keiko Niwa. Música: Satoshi Takebe. Japão: Studio Ghibli, 2011. (92 min.), son., color.

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Ficha Técnica - Da Colina Kokuriko (2011)

Kokuriko Zaka-kara

Da Colina Kokuriko


• cor • 92 min

Direção Goro Miyazaki

Produção Toshio Suzuki

Roteiro Hayao Miyazaki

Keiko Niwa

Baseado Kokuriko-zaka kara

por Chizuru Takahashi

Tetsuro Sayama

Elenco Masami Nagasawa

Junichi Okada

Keiko Takeshita

Yuriko Ishida

Jun Fubuki

Takashi Naito

Shunsuke Kazama

Nao Omori

Teruyuki Kagawa

Música Satoshi Takebe


Atsushi Okui

Edição Takeshi Seyama

Companhia de produção

Studio Ghibli

Distribuição Toho

Lançamento 16 de julho de 2011 (Japão)

Duração 92 minutos

País Japão

Idioma japonês

Despesas ¥ 2,2 bilhões

US$ 22 milhões

Bilheteria US$ 61,5 milhões (em todo o mundo)

,5 bilhões de ienes (Japão)



How to Cite

Silva, T. A. da, & Monlevad, G. R. C. de. (2022). Results of Nostalgia of the Ruins in Kokuriko-zaka Kara and in the world. Paradoxos, 7(1), 83–98.