SEO in digital journalism: an analysis on the news visibility of Jair Bolsonaro's victory in the presidential elections of 2018




Digital Journalism, News Criteria, SEO Techniques, 2018 elections, Jair Bolsonaro


What is the relationship between SEO, SERP and Journalism? For those who work in Digital Journalism, the application of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques can make a difference in terms of the visibility of a story from its position on Google's Search Engine Results Page (SERP). SEO techniques are not widely practiced on major news portals. As listed in manuals, they must be aligned with quality journalistic content, according to the news criteria and enhanced by the resources offered by the web. To understand how these tools and journalism come together, we chose to study the results of the search Bolsonaro elections 2018 and through the analysis of the jornalistic articles and their SEO strategies, try to understand how the G1, Agência Brasil and UOL portals positioned their journalistic content on Bolsonaro's victory.


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Author Biographies

Soraya Venegas Ferreira, Universidade Estácio de Sá - Brasil

Erick Nunes da Costa, Universidade Estácio de Sá - Brasil


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How to Cite

Ferreira, S. V., & Costa, E. N. da. (2021). SEO in digital journalism: an analysis on the news visibility of Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in the presidential elections of 2018. Paradoxos, 6(1), 124–142.