The Marketing of Music Productions of Gaucho and Santa Catarina Pop and Rock Bands


  • William Victor Hawerroth Univali
  • André Luiz Vailati Univali



Communication, Music, Phonografic market, Musical marketing


Starting from the current situation of the phonographic scenario where new technologies are transforming the habits of music consumption in both physical and digital medias, this exploratory study analyzes the dissemination of the musical productions of pop and rock bands in the present time. Based on the evolution of the phonographic market exposed in Anderson (2006), in the essentials of marketing communication in Kotler, Kartajaya and Setiawan (2010) and Crescitelli and Shimp (2012), and marketing performance in the digital era in Jenkins (2006), Gabriel (2010) and Longo (2014), the responsible for communication and marketing strategies of three bands from two southern Brazilian states were heard. Using a content analysis, this research brings insights about marketing in virtual environments through a closer relationship with consumers.


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Author Biographies

William Victor Hawerroth, Univali

Graduando em Publicidade e Propaganda pela UNIVALI em Itajaí (SC).

André Luiz Vailati, Univali

Mestre em Educação, Especialista em Novas Mídias e Bacharel em Publicidade e Propaganda. Professor no Curso de Publicidade e Propaganda da UNIVALI em Itajaí (SC).


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How to Cite

Hawerroth, W. V., & Vailati, A. L. (2018). The Marketing of Music Productions of Gaucho and Santa Catarina Pop and Rock Bands. Paradoxos, 2(1), 82–93.