The Reception of “Philoctetes” by Sophocles in “Ramom, o Filoteto americano”, by Escobar, in the Context of the Brazilian Military Dictatorship
Philoctetes, Sophocles, Carlos Henrique Escobar, Latin America, Military dictatorshipAbstract
This article aims to point out aspects of the reception of the Greek tragedy Philoctetes (409 BC), by Sophocles, by the Brazilian playwright Carlos Henrique Escobar, who takes up the Greek text and the myth of the archer hero in his modern rewriting Ramom, o Filoteto americano (1976). Escobar writes his text during the Military Dictatorship in 1975 and publishes it the following year, still in the same decade in which, according to Figueiredo (2015), Brazilian theater lived under coercion with the increasing censorship and violence of the regime. Set in Upper Peru, present-day Bolivia, during the struggle for independence from Spanish rule, Escobar's play takes up the myth of Philoctetes and the Sophoclean tragedy, focusing on the theme of oppression to emphasize the need to combat it.Downloads
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